Established in 2005 SCYD is based in Wellmeadow House in the rural town of Blairgowrie where we operate a variety of programmes to integrate and benefit the wider community. We currently employ 3 full time and 7 part-time staff.
Our youth service provides a safe, non-judgemental space with access to support and opportunities to join in activities to develop skills and increase confidence. Our trained youth workers run a programme of regular drop in sessions; peer support groups; community participation events; and school holiday trips and activities. In partnership with local schools we provide off-site educational support for young people disengaging with formal education. As part of the newly formed East Perthshire Youth Alliance we also work closely with youth organisations in neighbouring towns. Our Community Connections project, aimed at reducing isolation and loneliness, provides a weekly community café, monthly community lunches and community led activity groups.
Our core purpose is to provide social and educational opportunities to support young people to achieve their potential. We provide a safe place where young people can build positive relationships, develop skills and achieve accredited volunteering awards.
In partnership with the High School we provide 1 to 1 and group mentoring services. This is structured to help the young person re-engage with school or, if they are school leavers with no planned destination, to introduce them to additional support agencies.
We run a young person led events team providing opportunities for community inclusion whereby young people volunteer their time to support local community markets and sports events and other activities. We provide universal youth drop in sessions in which young people can meet friends and engage in structured activities. We also offer peer support groups such as LGBTQ+
We offer opportunities for young people to participate in external trips and activities.